fastjson深度源码解析- 序列化(二) - 序列化字节和字符串解析
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public void writeHex(byte[] bytes) {        /** 计算总共字符长度, 乘以2 代表一个字符要占用2字节, 3代表要添加 x 和 前后添加' */        int newcount = count + bytes.length * 2 + 3;        if (newcount > buf.length) {            if (writer != null) {                char[] chars = new char[bytes.length + 3];                int pos = 0;                chars[pos++] = 'x';                chars[pos++] = '\'';                for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i) {                    byte b = bytes[i];                    int a = b & 0xFF;                    /** 取字节的高四位 1111 0000*/                    int b0 = a >> 4;                    /** 取字节的低四位 0000 1111*/                    int b1 = a & 0xf;                    /** 索引低索引存储字节高位                     *  如果4位表示的数字是 0~9, 转换为ascii的 0~9                     *  如果4位表示的不是数字, 转换为16进制ascii码字符                     */                    chars[pos++] = (char) (b0 + (b0 < 10 ? 48 : 55));                    chars[pos++] = (char) (b1 + (b1 < 10 ? 48 : 55));                }                chars[pos++] = '\'';                try {                    writer.write(chars);                } catch (IOException ex) {                    throw new JSONException("writeBytes error.", ex);                }                return;            }            /** buffer容量不够并且输出器为空,触发扩容 */            expandCapacity(newcount);        }        buf[count++] = 'x';        buf[count++] = '\'';        for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i) {            byte b = bytes[i];            int a = b & 0xFF;            /** 取字节的高四位 */            int b0 = a >> 4;            /** 取字节的低四位 */            int b1 = a & 0xf;            /** 索引低索引存储字节高位             *  如果4位表示的数字是 0~9, 转换为ascii的 0~9             *  如果4位表示的不是数字, 转换为16进制ascii码字符             */            buf[count++] = (char) (b0 + (b0 < 10 ? 48 : 55));            buf[count++] = (char) (b1 + (b1 < 10 ? 48 : 55));        }        buf[count++] = '\'';    }

writeHex 这个序列化方法主要对16进制的自己转换为占用2个ascii码字符,添加单引号和x前缀。


public void writeByteArray(byte[] bytes) {        if (isEnabled(SerializerFeature.WriteClassName.mask)) {            /** 如果开启序列化特性WriteClassName,直接写16进制字符 */            writeHex(bytes);            return;        }        int bytesLen = bytes.length;        final char quote = useSingleQuotes ? '\'' : '"';        if (bytesLen == 0) {            String emptyString = useSingleQuotes ? "''" : "\"\"";            /** 如果字节数组长度为0,输出空白字符 */            write(emptyString);            return;        }        final char[] CA = IOUtils.CA;        /** 验证长度是24bit位整数倍 */        int eLen = (bytesLen / 3) * 3;        /** base64 编码字符长度         *         *  base64 :         *  第一步,将每三个字节作为一组,一共是24个二进制位。         *  第二步,将这24个二进制位分为四组,每个组有6个二进制位。         *  第三步,在每组前面加两个00,扩展成32个二进制位,即四个字节。         *  第四步,根据下表,得到扩展后的每个字节的对应符号,这就是Base64的编码值。         *         *  ref: http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2008/06/base64.html         */        int charsLen = ((bytesLen - 1) / 3 + 1) << 2;        // char[] chars = new char[charsLen];        int offset = count;        int newcount = count + charsLen + 2;        if (newcount > buf.length) {            if (writer != null) {                write(quote);                for (int s = 0; s < eLen;) {                    /** 三个字节为一组, 扩展为四个字节 */                    int i = (bytes[s++] & 0xff) << 16 | (bytes[s++] & 0xff) << 8 | (bytes[s++] & 0xff);                    write(CA[(i >>> 18) & 0x3f]);                    write(CA[(i >>> 12) & 0x3f]);                    write(CA[(i >>> 6) & 0x3f]);                    /** 填充00 */                    write(CA[i & 0x3f]);                }                /** 对齐并编码剩余不足3个字节为一组的数据 */                // Pad and encode last bits if source isn't even 24 bits.                int left = bytesLen - eLen; // 0 - 2.                if (left > 0) {                    /**                     * a) 1个字节的情况:                     * 将这1字节8位二进制,每6位分成2组,最后一组除了前面加00,后面加上0000,                     * 这样得到 两位的Base64编码, 在末尾补上2个"="号                     *                     * b) 2个字节的情况:                     * 将这2字节的一共16个二进制位,每6位分成3组,最后一组除了前面加00,后面也要加00,                     * 这样得到 3位的Base64编码, 在末尾补上"="号                     *                     *                     * 如果只有1个字节,按照前面规则a)                     * 第1组是6位,第2组后面4个0, 因此应该左移 10 = 6 + 4                     *                     * 如果只有2个字节,按照前面规则b)                     * 第1个字节左移 10 位 加上 第2个字节左移 2 位补0即可                     */                    int i = ((bytes[eLen] & 0xff) << 10) | (left == 2 ? ((bytes[bytesLen - 1] & 0xff) << 2) : 0);                    /** 扩展为四个字节 */                    write(CA[i >> 12]);                    write(CA[(i >>> 6) & 0x3f]);                    write(left == 2 ? CA[i & 0x3f] : '=');                    write('=');                }                write(quote);                return;            }            expandCapacity(newcount);        }        count = newcount;        buf[offset++] = quote;        // Encode even 24-bits        for (int s = 0, d = offset; s < eLen;) {            /** 三个字节为一组, 扩展为四个字节 */            int i = (bytes[s++] & 0xff) << 16 | (bytes[s++] & 0xff) << 8 | (bytes[s++] & 0xff);            // Encode the int into four chars            buf[d++] = CA[(i >>> 18) & 0x3f];            buf[d++] = CA[(i >>> 12) & 0x3f];            buf[d++] = CA[(i >>> 6) & 0x3f];            /** 填充00 */            buf[d++] = CA[i & 0x3f];        }        /** 对齐并编码剩余不足3个字节为一组的数据 */        int left = bytesLen - eLen; // 0 - 2.        if (left > 0) {            // Prepare the int            int i = ((bytes[eLen] & 0xff) << 10) | (left == 2 ? ((bytes[bytesLen - 1] & 0xff) << 2) : 0);            /** 扩展为四个字节 */            buf[newcount - 5] = CA[i >> 12];            buf[newcount - 4] = CA[(i >>> 6) & 0x3f];            buf[newcount - 3] = left == 2 ? CA[i & 0x3f] : '=';            buf[newcount - 2] = '=';        }        buf[newcount - 1] = quote;    }



public void write(String str, int off, int len) {        /** 计算总共字符串长度 */        int newcount = count + len;        /** 如果当前存储空间不够 */        if (newcount > buf.length) {            if (writer == null) {                expandCapacity(newcount);            } else {                /**                 * 如果字符串str超过缓冲区大小, 进行循环拷贝                 */                do {                    /** 计算当前buffer剩余容纳字符数 */                    int rest = buf.length - count;                    /** 将字符串str[off, off + rest) 拷贝到buf[count, ...]中*/                    str.getChars(off, off + rest, buf, count);                    count = buf.length;                    /** 强制刷新输出流,会重置count = 0 */                    flush();                    /** 计算剩余需要拷贝的字符数量 */                    len -= rest;                    /** 剩余要拷贝字符在str中偏移量(索引) */                    off += rest;                } while (len > buf.length);                newcount = len;            }        }        /** 存储空间充足,直接将str[off, off + len) 拷贝到buf[count, ...]中*/        str.getChars(off, off + len, buf, count);        count = newcount;    }

序列化字符串write(string),最终都会转化为上面形式write(string, 0, string.length)


public void write(char c[], int off, int len) {        if (off < 0 //            || off > c.length //            || len < 0 //            || off + len > c.length //            || off + len < 0) {            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();        } else if (len == 0) {            return;        }        /** 计算总共字符串长度 */        int newcount = count + len;        /** 如果当前存储空间不够 */        if (newcount > buf.length) {            if (writer == null) {                expandCapacity(newcount);            } else {                /**                 * 如果字符数组c超过缓冲区大小, 进行循环拷贝                 */                do {                    /** 计算当前buffer剩余容纳字符数 */                    int rest = buf.length - count;                    /** c[off, off + rest) 拷贝到buf[count, ...]中*/                    System.arraycopy(c, off, buf, count, rest);                    count = buf.length;                    /** 强制刷新输出流,会重置count = 0 */                    flush();                    /** 计算剩余需要拷贝的字符数量 */                    len -= rest;                    /** 剩余要拷贝字符在c中偏移量(索引) */                    off += rest;                } while (len > buf.length);                newcount = len;            }        }        System.arraycopy(c, off, buf, count, len);        count = newcount;    }


public void write(List
list) { if (list.isEmpty()) { /** 空字符列表,输出[]字符串 */ write("[]"); return; } int offset = count; final int initOffset = offset; for (int i = 0, list_size = list.size(); i < list_size; ++i) { /** 循环获取列表中包含的字符串 */ String text = list.get(i); boolean hasSpecial = false; if (text == null) { /** list包含特殊的null值 */ hasSpecial = true; } else { for (int j = 0, len = text.length(); j < len; ++j) { char ch = text.charAt(j); /** 包含指定特殊字符 */ if (hasSpecial = (ch < ' ' // || ch > '~' // || ch == '"' // || ch == '\\')) { break; } } } if (hasSpecial) { count = initOffset; write('['); for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); ++j) { text = list.get(j); /** 每个字符用,隔开输出 */ if (j != 0) { write(','); } if (text == null) { /** 字符串为空,直接输出null字符串 */ write("null"); } else { /** 使用双引号输出,并且处理特殊字符, 下文有分析 */ writeStringWithDoubleQuote(text, (char) 0); } } write(']'); return; } /** 计算新的字符占用空间,额外3个字符用于存储 "," */ int newcount = offset + text.length() + 3; if (i == list.size() - 1) { newcount++; } /** 如果当前存储空间不够*/ if (newcount > buf.length) { count = offset; /** 扩容到为原有buf容量1.5倍+1, copy原有buf的字符*/ expandCapacity(newcount); } if (i == 0) { buf[offset++] = '['; } else { buf[offset++] = ','; } buf[offset++] = '"'; /** 拷贝text字符串到buffer数组中 */ text.getChars(0, text.length(), buf, offset); offset += text.length(); buf[offset++] = '"'; } /** 最终构造列表形式 ["element", "element", ...] */ buf[offset++] = ']'; count = offset; }

序列化字符串会转化成[“element”, "element", ...]格式。如果列表字符串中包含特殊字符,调用特化版本writeStringWithDoubleQuote(text, (char) 0)


public void writeStringWithDoubleQuote(String text, final char seperator) {        if (text == null) {            /** 如果字符换为空,输出null字符串 */            writeNull();            if (seperator != 0) {                /** 如果分隔符不为空白字符' ',输出分隔符 */                write(seperator);            }            return;        }        int len = text.length();        int newcount = count + len + 2;        if (seperator != 0) {            newcount++;        }        /** 如果当前存储空间不够 */        if (newcount > buf.length) {            if (writer != null) {                /** 写双引号字符 */                write('"');                for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i) {                    /** 循环提取字符串中字符 */                    char ch = text.charAt(i);                    if (isEnabled(SerializerFeature.BrowserSecure)) {                       if (ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == '<' || ch == '>') {                            /** ascii转换成native编码 */                            write('\\');                            write('u');                            write(IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 12) & 15]);                            write(IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 8) & 15]);                            write(IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 4) & 15]);                            write(IOUtils.DIGITS[ch & 15]);                            continue;                        }                    }                    if (isEnabled(SerializerFeature.BrowserCompatible)) {                        if (ch == '\b'      //  退格                            || ch == '\f'   //  分页                            || ch == '\n'   //  换行                            || ch == '\r'   //  回车                            || ch == '\t'   //  tab                            || ch == '"'    //  双引号                            || ch == '/'    //  左反斜杠                            || ch == '\\') {
// 单引号 /** 输出转义字符 + 字符ascii码 */ write('\\'); // 右反斜杠 write(replaceChars[(int) ch]); continue; } if (ch < 32) { /** ascii转换成native编码 */ write('\\'); write('u'); write('0'); write('0'); write(IOUtils.ASCII_CHARS[ch * 2]); write(IOUtils.ASCII_CHARS[ch * 2 + 1]); continue; } if (ch >= 127) { /** ascii转换成native编码 */ write('\\'); write('u'); write(IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 12) & 15]); write(IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 8) & 15]); write(IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 4) & 15]); write(IOUtils.DIGITS[ch & 15]); continue; } } else { /** ascii转换成native编码 */ if (ch < IOUtils.specicalFlags_doubleQuotes.length && IOUtils.specicalFlags_doubleQuotes[ch] != 0 // || (ch == '/' && isEnabled(SerializerFeature.WriteSlashAsSpecial))) { write('\\'); if (IOUtils.specicalFlags_doubleQuotes[ch] == 4) { write('u'); write(IOUtils.DIGITS[ch >>> 12 & 15]); write(IOUtils.DIGITS[ch >>> 8 & 15]); write(IOUtils.DIGITS[ch >>> 4 & 15]); write(IOUtils.DIGITS[ch & 15]); } else { write(IOUtils.replaceChars[ch]); } continue; } } /** 非特殊字符,直接输出 */ write(ch); } /** 字符串结束 */ write('"'); if (seperator != 0) { write(seperator); } return; } /** buffer容量不够并且输出器为空,触发扩容 */ expandCapacity(newcount); } int start = count + 1; int end = start + len; buf[count] = '\"'; /** buffer能够容纳字符串,直接拷贝text到buf缓冲数组 */ text.getChars(0, len, buf, start); count = newcount; if (isEnabled(SerializerFeature.BrowserCompatible)) { int lastSpecialIndex = -1; for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { /** 循环提取字符串中字符 */ char ch = buf[i]; if (ch == '"' // || ch == '/' // || ch == '\\') { /** 记录指定字符最后出现的位置 */ lastSpecialIndex = i; newcount += 1; continue; } if (ch == '\b' // || ch == '\f' // || ch == '\n' // || ch == '\r' // || ch == '\t') { /** 记录指定字符最后出现的位置 */ lastSpecialIndex = i; newcount += 1; continue; } if (ch < 32) { lastSpecialIndex = i; newcount += 5; continue; } if (ch >= 127) { lastSpecialIndex = i; newcount += 5; continue; } } /** 如果存储空间不足,触发到(1.5倍buffer大小+1) */ if (newcount > buf.length) { expandCapacity(newcount); } count = newcount; /** 逆向从指定特殊字符开始遍历 */ for (int i = lastSpecialIndex; i >= start; --i) { char ch = buf[i]; if (ch == '\b' // || ch == '\f'// || ch == '\n' // || ch == '\r' // || ch == '\t') { /** 将字符后移一位,插入转译字符\ */ System.arraycopy(buf, i + 1, buf, i + 2, end - i - 1); buf[i] = '\\'; /** 将特殊字符转换成普通单字符 */ buf[i + 1] = replaceChars[(int) ch]; end += 1; continue; } if (ch == '"' // || ch == '/' // || ch == '\\') { /** 和上面处理一致,不需要单独替换成普通字符 */ System.arraycopy(buf, i + 1, buf, i + 2, end - i - 1); buf[i] = '\\'; buf[i + 1] = ch; end += 1; continue; } if (ch < 32) { System.arraycopy(buf, i + 1, buf, i + 6, end - i - 1); /** ascii转换成native编码 */ buf[i] = '\\'; buf[i + 1] = 'u'; buf[i + 2] = '0'; buf[i + 3] = '0'; buf[i + 4] = IOUtils.ASCII_CHARS[ch * 2]; buf[i + 5] = IOUtils.ASCII_CHARS[ch * 2 + 1]; end += 5; continue; } if (ch >= 127) { System.arraycopy(buf, i + 1, buf, i + 6, end - i - 1); /** ascii转换成native编码 */ buf[i] = '\\'; buf[i + 1] = 'u'; buf[i + 2] = IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 12) & 15]; buf[i + 3] = IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 8) & 15]; buf[i + 4] = IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 4) & 15]; buf[i + 5] = IOUtils.DIGITS[ch & 15]; end += 5; } } /** 追加引用符号 */ if (seperator != 0) { buf[count - 2] = '\"'; buf[count - 1] = seperator; } else { buf[count - 1] = '\"'; } return; } int specialCount = 0; int lastSpecialIndex = -1; int firstSpecialIndex = -1; char lastSpecial = '\0'; for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { char ch = buf[i]; if (ch >= ']') { // 93 /** 特殊字符参考:http://www.mokuge.com/tool/asciito16/ */ if (ch >= 0x7F // 127 && (ch == '\u2028' // || ch == '\u2029' // || ch < 0xA0)) { // 160 [空格] if (firstSpecialIndex == -1) { firstSpecialIndex = i; } specialCount++; lastSpecialIndex = i; lastSpecial = ch; newcount += 4; } continue; } boolean special = (ch < 64 && (sepcialBits & (1L << ch)) != 0) || ch == '\\'; if (special) { specialCount++; lastSpecialIndex = i; lastSpecial = ch; if (ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' || (ch < IOUtils.specicalFlags_doubleQuotes.length // && IOUtils.specicalFlags_doubleQuotes[ch] == 4) // ) { newcount += 4; } if (firstSpecialIndex == -1) { firstSpecialIndex = i; } } } if (specialCount > 0) { newcount += specialCount; /** 包含特殊字符并且buffer空间不够,触发扩容 */ if (newcount > buf.length) { expandCapacity(newcount); } count = newcount; /** 将特殊字符转换成native编码,目的是节省存储空间*/ if (specialCount == 1) { // 行分隔符 if (lastSpecial == '\u2028') { int srcPos = lastSpecialIndex + 1; int destPos = lastSpecialIndex + 6; int LengthOfCopy = end - lastSpecialIndex - 1; System.arraycopy(buf, srcPos, buf, destPos, LengthOfCopy); buf[lastSpecialIndex] = '\\'; buf[++lastSpecialIndex] = 'u'; buf[++lastSpecialIndex] = '2'; buf[++lastSpecialIndex] = '0'; buf[++lastSpecialIndex] = '2'; buf[++lastSpecialIndex] = '8'; } // 段落分隔符 else if (lastSpecial == '\u2029') { int srcPos = lastSpecialIndex + 1; int destPos = lastSpecialIndex + 6; int LengthOfCopy = end - lastSpecialIndex - 1; System.arraycopy(buf, srcPos, buf, destPos, LengthOfCopy); buf[lastSpecialIndex] = '\\'; buf[++lastSpecialIndex] = 'u'; buf[++lastSpecialIndex] = '2'; buf[++lastSpecialIndex] = '0'; buf[++lastSpecialIndex] = '2'; buf[++lastSpecialIndex] = '9'; } else if (lastSpecial == '(' || lastSpecial == ')' || lastSpecial == '<' || lastSpecial == '>') { int srcPos = lastSpecialIndex + 1; int destPos = lastSpecialIndex + 6; int LengthOfCopy = end - lastSpecialIndex - 1; System.arraycopy(buf, srcPos, buf, destPos, LengthOfCopy); buf[lastSpecialIndex] = '\\'; buf[++lastSpecialIndex] = 'u'; final char ch = lastSpecial; buf[++lastSpecialIndex] = IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 12) & 15]; buf[++lastSpecialIndex] = IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 8) & 15]; buf[++lastSpecialIndex] = IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 4) & 15]; buf[++lastSpecialIndex] = IOUtils.DIGITS[ch & 15]; } else { final char ch = lastSpecial; if (ch < IOUtils.specicalFlags_doubleQuotes.length // && IOUtils.specicalFlags_doubleQuotes[ch] == 4) { int srcPos = lastSpecialIndex + 1; int destPos = lastSpecialIndex + 6; int LengthOfCopy = end - lastSpecialIndex - 1; System.arraycopy(buf, srcPos, buf, destPos, LengthOfCopy); int bufIndex = lastSpecialIndex; buf[bufIndex++] = '\\'; buf[bufIndex++] = 'u'; buf[bufIndex++] = IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 12) & 15]; buf[bufIndex++] = IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 8) & 15]; buf[bufIndex++] = IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 4) & 15]; buf[bufIndex++] = IOUtils.DIGITS[ch & 15]; } else { int srcPos = lastSpecialIndex + 1; int destPos = lastSpecialIndex + 2; int LengthOfCopy = end - lastSpecialIndex - 1; System.arraycopy(buf, srcPos, buf, destPos, LengthOfCopy); buf[lastSpecialIndex] = '\\'; buf[++lastSpecialIndex] = replaceChars[(int) ch]; } } } else if (specialCount > 1) { int textIndex = firstSpecialIndex - start; int bufIndex = firstSpecialIndex; for (int i = textIndex; i < text.length(); ++i) { char ch = text.charAt(i); /** 将特殊字符转换成native编码,目的是节省存储空间*/ if (browserSecure && (ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == '<' || ch == '>')) { buf[bufIndex++] = '\\'; buf[bufIndex++] = 'u'; buf[bufIndex++] = IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 12) & 15]; buf[bufIndex++] = IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 8) & 15]; buf[bufIndex++] = IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 4) & 15]; buf[bufIndex++] = IOUtils.DIGITS[ch & 15]; end += 5; } else if (ch < IOUtils.specicalFlags_doubleQuotes.length // && IOUtils.specicalFlags_doubleQuotes[ch] != 0 // || (ch == '/' && isEnabled(SerializerFeature.WriteSlashAsSpecial))) { buf[bufIndex++] = '\\'; if (IOUtils.specicalFlags_doubleQuotes[ch] == 4) { buf[bufIndex++] = 'u'; buf[bufIndex++] = IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 12) & 15]; buf[bufIndex++] = IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 8) & 15]; buf[bufIndex++] = IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 4) & 15]; buf[bufIndex++] = IOUtils.DIGITS[ch & 15]; end += 5; } else { buf[bufIndex++] = replaceChars[(int) ch]; end++; } } else { // 行分隔符 、段落分隔符 if (ch == '\u2028' || ch == '\u2029') { buf[bufIndex++] = '\\'; buf[bufIndex++] = 'u'; buf[bufIndex++] = IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 12) & 15]; buf[bufIndex++] = IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 8) & 15]; buf[bufIndex++] = IOUtils.DIGITS[(ch >>> 4) & 15]; buf[bufIndex++] = IOUtils.DIGITS[ch & 15]; end += 5; } else { buf[bufIndex++] = ch; } } } } } if (seperator != 0) { buf[count - 2] = '\"'; buf[count - 1] = seperator; } else { buf[count - 1] = '\"'; } }


  1. 如果开启序列化BrowserCompatible特性,执行ascii转换成native编码,节省空间。
  2. 如果输出器writer不为空,会自动触发buffer扩容(原有容量1.5倍+1)

另外一个针对特殊字符的字符串序列化方法writeStringWithDoubleQuote(char[] text, final char seperator),因为和writeStringWithDoubleQuote(String text, final char seperator)版本极其类似,所以不再冗余分析。

序列化字符串的方法包括添加单引号的版本,详细请参考 writeStringWithSingleQuote :

protected void writeStringWithSingleQuote(String text) {        if (text == null) {            int newcount = count + 4;            if (newcount > buf.length) {                expandCapacity(newcount);            }            /** 如果字符串为null,输出"null"字符串 */            "null".getChars(0, 4, buf, count);            count = newcount;            return;        }        int len = text.length();        int newcount = count + len + 2;        if (newcount > buf.length) {            if (writer != null) {                /** 使用单引号输出字符串值 */                write('\'');                for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i) {                    char ch = text.charAt(i);                    if (ch <= 13 || ch == '\\' || ch == '\'' //                        || (ch == '/' && isEnabled(SerializerFeature.WriteSlashAsSpecial))) {                        /** 如果包含特殊字符 或者 单字符'\' ''' ,添加转译并且替换为普通字符*/                        write('\\');                        write(replaceChars[(int) ch]);                    } else {                        write(ch);                    }                }                write('\'');                return;            }            /** buffer容量不够并且输出器为空,触发扩容 */            expandCapacity(newcount);        }        int start = count + 1;        int end = start + len;        buf[count] = '\'';        /** buffer能够容纳字符串,直接拷贝text到buf缓冲数组 */        text.getChars(0, len, buf, start);        count = newcount;        int specialCount = 0;        int lastSpecialIndex = -1;        char lastSpecial = '\0';        for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {            char ch = buf[i];            if (ch <= 13 || ch == '\\' || ch == '\'' //                || (ch == '/' && isEnabled(SerializerFeature.WriteSlashAsSpecial))) {                /** 记录特殊字符个数和最后一个特殊字符索引 */                specialCount++;                lastSpecialIndex = i;                lastSpecial = ch;            }        }        newcount += specialCount;        if (newcount > buf.length) {            expandCapacity(newcount);        }        count = newcount;        if (specialCount == 1) {            /** 将字符后移一位,插入转译字符\ 并替换特殊字符为普通字符*/            System.arraycopy(buf, lastSpecialIndex + 1, buf, lastSpecialIndex + 2, end - lastSpecialIndex - 1);            buf[lastSpecialIndex] = '\\';            buf[++lastSpecialIndex] = replaceChars[(int) lastSpecial];        } else if (specialCount > 1) {            System.arraycopy(buf, lastSpecialIndex + 1, buf, lastSpecialIndex + 2, end - lastSpecialIndex - 1);            buf[lastSpecialIndex] = '\\';            buf[++lastSpecialIndex] = replaceChars[(int) lastSpecial];            end++;            for (int i = lastSpecialIndex - 2; i >= start; --i) {                char ch = buf[i];                if (ch <= 13 || ch == '\\' || ch == '\'' //                    || (ch == '/' && isEnabled(SerializerFeature.WriteSlashAsSpecial))) {                    /** 将字符后移一位,插入转译字符\ 并替换特殊字符为普通字符*/                    System.arraycopy(buf, i + 1, buf, i + 2, end - i - 1);                    buf[i] = '\\';                    buf[i + 1] = replaceChars[(int) ch];                    end++;                }            }        }        /** 字符串结尾添加单引号引用 */        buf[count - 1] = '\'';    }


  1. 针对特殊字符,添加转译字符并且替换特殊字符为普通字符
  2. 如果输出器writer不为空,会自动触发buffer扩容(原有容量1.5倍+1)



dba 常用查询
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Oracle DG failover 后恢复
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